Training Classes Information
You must be registered to be able to book any of the clubs services/facilities. To do this please click sign up and enter your details and your dogs. It is free to register. Please remember to email evidence of your dogs vaccinations to sean@hampshiredog.club. Once approved you can make class bookings online via your account. You have one month from the point of registering to provide evidence of your dogs vaccinations. Behavioural and 121 services can only be booked by HDC staff.
There are six different core sessions in total and these will run on a continually rolling basis. The exact content of each session will vary depending on the trainer and dogs present, as all dog training is a continual evaluation process based upon the abilities of each individual dog & handler. As there are numerous different classes every week, each class in that week will run a different type of core session, so you can pick and choose a session depending on what you feel your dog needs more work on to improve. There will be an overlap of some exercises between different types of session and will also be dependant upon the individual dogs and handlers in attendance. For example, adolescent classes naturally involve a lot more impulse control and focus work due to the hormones present. The classes which are running each type of session will be updated on the timetable below, each week in advance. The six different core sessions are;
1. Stable positions, focus and release.
2. Stays in stable positions with distractions.
3. Heel position and loose lead walking.
4. Recall, the present and this way command.
5. The Leave, the out, impulse control and distraction training.
6. Open session which may include any training from the other sessions, specific training or requests.
If you want to predict what type of session is running further ahead, the numbers roll to the next one on the list the following week. For example, if 10:00 basic obedience on the Monday is a 1, then next week it will be a session 2 and the week after that a session 3. You do not need to do the sessions in any particular order. If need help, please call us.
Please note: Only puppy, basic and adolescent classes run the rolling sessions. If less than three participants are booked onto a class it may be treated as a 30 minute 121 session.
We have extensive experience in training dogs with behavioural issues and those rescued from other countries such as Romania, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, etc. Some 1-2-1's may be necessary first with certain dogs. If you are unsure whether your dog is suitable for group classes, please contact us first for advice.
We actively encourage everyone in the household to participate in training your dog, even the kids.
Please ensure that you read the class description in full before booking a class. There will be socialisation allowed between the dogs either on or off lead immediately after class with free tea or coffee available upon request.
To book a class please log on via the top right hand corner of our webpage as usual using your log on details and password. Any issues, questions or for more information please contact us on 02380 736000.
Week commencing 03/03/2025 below;

Cost: £15.00 per class or discounted with certain class packages (excluding Sunday Social). For example, 8 sessions for £104, so a saving of £2 per class. You must book and pay for your class in advance before attending as class space is limited.
Please remember:
Do not feed your dog at least 2 hours before doing any training.
Please ensure you bring with you a motivational toy and/or high value soft treats that your dog likes as training is reward based.
Poo bags are also essential, however if you have forgotten bags or treats, you can buy them from our dog shop on site.
Your dog must have a suitable collar and lead (fixed length of about 2 metres)
Dog handlers under the age of 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Additional Information: Spectators are welcome as long as they do not interfere with the training. Children must be supervised by an appropriate adult at all times whilst on site, who is not participating in the training. Toilets are available on site. You are responsible for your dog's behaviour at all times. Dogs can be unpredictable in their behaviour at times and although the risk is minimal that is the nature of a dog training and socialisation environment. Please read our full terms and conditions for further details.
We often get asked about our dog training ideologies. We firmly believe that dogs are pack animals who thrive on clear leadership and hierarchy within their human/dog pack, including the use of dominant/submissive based behaviours as all gregarious animals do that live in social packs. We believe in using the appropriate training methodology to achieve the desired outcome required to meet the owner's expectation level. This is dependent upon each individual dog's displayed behavioural response, as well as the ability of both dog and owner to adapt to certain training techniques. Although we advocate positive reinforcement as one component of dog training ideology, and it is always used as our preferable option, we know from experience that positive only training does not work for all dogs and refuse to limit ourselves to only practising one very basic ideology which can also be detrimental to individual dogs who display certain behaviours such as pure, predatory or status aggression, etc. To learn more please read the article below.​
Suitable for: Puppies up to 6 months old
We will teach you how to train your dog to focus on the handler, maintain stable positions, walk on a loose lead, recall, deal with distractions, the release of an object upon command, the leave and how to achieve controlled approaches. We will also discuss different behavioural issues and the development of your dog.
It is really important for the puppy to learn their social skills, such as bite inhibition, approaches towards other dogs and appropriate play. They also need to learn to listen to, and interact with their owners around other dogs, people and distractions as soon as possible. The benefits of training in an outdoor environment with all the natural distractions such as scents, wildlife and noise will give your puppy the best start possible.
Suitable for: Dogs from 6 months old
This class is perfect for older dogs that are too old for puppy training but still need to socialise with other dogs in a controlled but fun environment. This class is for mixed ages and it is important to reinforce your obedience training throughout their life which long term will be beneficial to not only you and your dog but others around you.
We will show you various things your dog needs to know such as handler focus, stable obedience positions, a sit-stay, down-stay, recall with distractions, heelwork, approaches, pass-bys and socialisation. Any specific behaviour issues can also be dealt with during the class.
Suitable for: Dogs 12 months+ with a good level of basic obedience
Dog agility is a dog sport in which a handler directs a dog through an obstacle course in a race for both time and accuracy. Dogs run off lead and the handler can not touch either the dog or the obstacles. Your dog must have the minimum of a sit/stay and recall at basic obedience level.
You will learn how to use each piece of agility equipment safely and correctly. You will gradually build up combinations of equipment until you can run a basic course with your dog. When you get to this point you can join the intermediate agility class. You will be taught basic handling techniques and agility terms whilst learning about drive building and motivation.
Suitable for: Dogs aged 6 months – 18 months
This class is perfect for your older adolescent pups that are too old for puppy training but still need to socialise with other dogs of a similar age. The emphasis is on teaching impulse control, as adolescents dogs generally suffer badly from giving in to their urges. This is also the next class up from puppy class and it is important to reinforce their obedience training during their difficult hormonal period when all your previous training seems to have disappeared. Hormonal adolescents, just as with teenagers can be a handful. Their obedience seems to suffer, their recall can disappear and they can show signs of anxiety or aggression. This can be the most unsettling and most difficult stage of your dogs development and they will require constant reinforcement of their obedience throughout this stage. We will show you various things your dog needs to know such as handler focus, stable obedience positions, a sit-stay, down-stay, recall with distractions, heelwork, approaches and socialisation. We will also show how to work your dog through different drives to get focus or solve over excitement. Any specific behaviour issues can also be dealt with during the class.
Suitable for: Dogs that have achieved a great level of basic obedience.
Focussing on more off lead work the class involves a lot of focus work, positioning and obedience with distractions. It is important to reinforce your obedience training throughout a dog's life, so this is a great class to progress and maintain your control.
Suitable for: Dogs must be 12 months+ and must know the basics of running an agility course safely
This class is intended for dogs and their handlers that can complete a course safely off lead. This class focusses on improving your handling skills, contacts, speed, positioning and turns.