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Why do we ask to see proof of vaccinations?

Please forward your vaccinations record if you are waiting to get approved!


Please send your up to date vaccinations if they are out of date on our system!


We ask for this information because it is important for the welfare of all dogs using the Club.   Only irresponsible owners fail to vaccinate their dog.  Every responsible dog training establishment should insist on a copy of vaccinations for the prevention and spread of Parvovirus, Leptospirosis, Canine Hepatitis and Canine Distemper.  Evidence of a Titre test is accepted instead if you do not wish to vaccinate your dog.


Why dogs get parvovirus and how it's spread?


Dogs who have not been properly vaccinated, that is who have not had their routine jabs and boosters done at the recommended ages are not immune and can easily contract the disease if they come in contact with it. The virus is transmitted through humans or animals who have had direct contact with infected dogs, or their faeces. Parvovirus can also be transmitted through objects that have been in contact with an infected area. For example, if you stepped in grass contaminated with poo from an infected dog, your shoes will carry the virus home. The virus can survive outside a host for up to a year, including in soil and on objects such as food bowls and toys. It is not clear why, but some breeds are more susceptible to the disease: Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, Doberman Pinschers, English Springer Spaniels, Alaskan sled dogs and German Shepherds. 


Risk of Leptospirosis infection.


Common risk factors for leptospirosis in dogs include exposure to or drinking from rivers, lakes or streams; roaming on rural properties (because of exposure to potentially infected wildlife, farm animals, or water sources); exposure to wild animal or farm animal species, even if in the backyard; and contact with rodents or other dogs.


Dogs can become infected and develop leptospirosis if their mucous membranes (or skin with any wound, such as a cut or scrape) come into contact with infected urine, urine-contaminated soil, water, food or bedding; through a bite from an infected animal; by eating infected tissues or carcasses; and rarely, through breeding. It can also be passed through the placenta from the mother dog to the puppies.


How Is Canine Distemper Spread?


There are three ways dogs can get canine distemper:

  1. Through direct contact with an infected animal or object

  2. Through airborne exposure

  3. Through the placenta

Canine distemper is spread through direct contact or airborne exposure, rather like the common cold in humans. When an infected dog or wild animal coughs, sneezes, or barks, he releases aerosol droplets into the environment, infecting nearby animals and surfaces, like food and water bowls.


The good news is that the virus does not last long in the environment and can be destroyed by most disinfectants. The bad news is that distemper-infected dogs can shed the virus for up to several months, putting dogs around them at risk.

Dogs are not the only animals that can get distemper. Wild animals like foxes can also get distemper.  This means that an outbreak of distemper in the local wildlife population can put dogs who frequent wooded areas at risk for catching the disease even if they do not come into contact with other dogs.


Bitches can also spread the virus through the placenta to their puppies, which is one of the reasons why it is important to fully vaccinate any dog you plan to breed.


How do dogs get Canine Coronavirus?


Canine Coronavirus (CVV) is different to human Coronavirus and is not transmissible to humans. The most common source of a CCV infection is exposure to faeces from an infected dog. The viral strands can remain in the body and shed into the faeces for up to six months. Stress caused by over-intensive training, over-crowding and generally unsanitary conditions increase a dog’s susceptibility to a CCV infection. Additionally, places and events where dogs gather are the most likely locations for the virus to spread.


There are of course numerous other viruses and ailments that can affect your dog such as Rabies, Kennel Cough (Bordetella) and Parainfluenza.  If in doubt contact your vet for advice.


When sending your vaccinations record, please ensure it shows a correlation between the microchip, dog name and up to date history.


Any queries, please call us on 023 80736000 or email Sean@HampshireDog.Club



What is parvovirus?


Parvovirus is a highly contagious viral disease that affects dogs. The most common type of parvovirus attacks the dog's digestive system and inhibits their ability to absorb nutrients and fluids, leading to death from severe dehydration. The less common form attacks the heart.  Young puppies and unvaccinated older dogs are most susceptible to the disease. This is not the same parvovirus that humans can have, they are of the same family, but a genetic mutation is needed for the human strain to affect another species, and vice-versa; therefore humans cannot get it or give it to their dogs by way of illness. 


Canine Distemper

What Is Canine Distemper?


Canine distemper should sound familiar to you if your dog is up-to-date on their vaccinations. Veterinarians consider the distemper vaccine to be one of the core vaccinations.


The disease is highly contagious and potentially lethal. A paramyxovirus causes distemper in dogs, and it is closely related to the measles and rinderpest viruses. It causes severe illness in the host by attacking multiple body systems, resulting in a widespread infection that is difficult to treat.



What is Leptospirosis?


Leptospirosis is a disease caused by infection with Leptospira bacteria. These bacteria can be found worldwide in soil and water.  Vermin such as rats are common carriers of this bacteria and often urinate in water left unattended such as dog water bowls, paddling pools or ponds.  There are many strains of Leptospira bacteria that can cause disease. Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which means it can be spread from animals to humans. Infection in people can cause flu-like symptoms and can cause liver or kidney disease. 


Canine Coronavirus

What is Canine Coronavirus?


A canine coronavirus infection (CCV) is a highly contagious intestinal disease that can be found in dogs all around the world. This particular virus is specific to dogs, both wild and domestic. The coronavirus replicates itself inside the small intestine and is limited to the upper two-thirds of the small intestine and local lymph nodes. A CCV infection is generally considered to be a relatively mild disease with sporadic symptoms, or none at all. But if a CCV infection occurs simultaneously with a viral canine parvovirus infection, or an infection caused by other intestinal (enteric) pathogens, the consequences can be much more serious. There have been some deaths reported in vulnerable puppies.


Canine Hepatitis

What is Canine Hepatitis?


Infectious canine hepatitis is an acute contagious disease caused by the canine adenovirus 1. This virus targets the spleen, kidneys, lungs, liver, lining of blood vessels and sometimes other organs. Symptoms can vary widely - from slight fever, thirst or apathy to death.


Breeds that seem to be predisposed to this disease include Chihuahuas, Springer Spaniels, Beagles, Maltese, West Highland White Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Labrador Retrievers, Bedlington Terriers, Skye Terriers, Doberman Pinschers, and Standard Poodles.  So cross breeds such as Cockerpoos are vulnerable.


The Titre Test

What is a Titre Test?


A titre test involves measuring the level of antibodies against a particular disease in a sample of blood. Antibodies are produced in response to an antigen, or stimulus. Some typical stimuli that can produce this response include infection with bacteria and viruses and vaccination.


When a pet (or person) is vaccinated, the body creates an immune response, in part, by producing specific antibodies against the antigens in the vaccine. Thereafter, the immune system is able to quickly recognize that attacking micro-organism and launch an effective defence.  When a pet’s vaccine titre test comes back as being ‘protective,’ if that individual were to be exposed to the disease in question, they should be able to fight it off.




Opening Hours

02380 736000


Registered Address:

Kingfisher House

Rownhams Lane

North Baddesley


Hampshire SO52 9LP

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Sat-Sun: 9am - 5pm


Hampshire Dog Club

Cobra Lodge

Upton Lane




SO16 0XY

United Kingdom



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